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The Overnight Student

Third Revision

The Overnight Student is the result of the author’s twenty-year search by trial and error for a learning system that would allow him to quickly understand and remember written material. This short, easy-to-read book clearly explains the simple, biblical technique that took him virtually overnight from straight F’s to straight A’s and then on to a bachelor’s degree and on to a doctorate.

Jill White was the elementary principal of Christian Heritage Academy in Oklahoma City. A friend in Jill’s Bible-study group said she had to take a weeklong training and at the end of that week pass a banking examination as part of her job. She was nervous about it because she had not taken a test in years, and she had never been good at testing. So, Jill loaned her the booklet The Overnight Student. She quickly read it, applied it, and at the end of the week made the highest grade in the class. How can something this simple be this powerful?

Noah was a home-schooled 16-year-old. His father Dr. Arthur Robinson gave him a college-level physics book to learn with no outside help. Noah studied five to seven hours per day, but his error rate was 30%. He and his dad then read the booklet The Overnight Student and discovered a simple, new way of studying. Noah tried using this oral learning technique. His father said Noah started understanding the material better, and his study time was reduced, and his error rate fell to essentially zero.

After homeschooling, he passed enough advanced placement exams to enter college as a junior. Whenever the material became too difficult, he employed his new study method, and he earned straight A’s as a chemistry major. He applied for graduate school and took the Graduate Record Examinations. He used the study method to study for the GRE and received almost perfect scores. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology told him that he was their top pick. He ultimately chose Caltech for graduate school and graduated with a Ph.D. in chemistry in 3 years.